Second meeting Warsaw, with a map of Europe

Adult education, especially in non formal and informal contexts, is a very important aspect for those European citizens who are affected by physical diseases as it represents a concrete and precious opportunity to cultivate well-being and social active participation.
giovedì 30 ottobre 2014
martedì 17 giugno 2014
Third meeting - Riga
„Blind and visually impaired people- social
and working inclusion”
Expierences of social and working inclusion in
Europe for blind and visually impaired people LLP Grundtvig partnership Project
Riga, 2014, 19-22 June
Arrival of Participants
16.00. Welcome meeting at the Tallink Hotel Riga
17.00. Group discussions and presentations
20.30. Dinner at the Tallink Hotel Riga restaurant
7.00. Breakfast in the Tallink Hotel Riga restaurant
8.00. Boarding the bus to the Liepaja
11.30. Coffee break in Liepaja Society of the blind
12.00. Acquaintance with performance of the Liepaja Society of the blind and
extraction of good practices
15.00. Lunch
16.30. Excursion throgh city center with blind guide
17.30. Meeting by the Baltic sea and demonstrations of availability of
18.30. Boarding the bus back to Riga
20.00. Dinner along the way back to Riga
21.30. Returning to the hotel
8.00. Breakfast
9.00. Workshop 1. Part
11.00. Coffee breake
11.30. Workshop 2. Part and summary of the workshops
13.30. Lunch
14.30. Coordinators meeting in the Hotel
15.30. Time for Riga Old Town sightseeing, small excursion
19.00. Dinner at the restaurant „Blind dreams”
21.00. End of the meeting
Social and working inclusion
Social inclusion Anpvi Onlus
Labour inclusion Anpvi Onlus
Labour inclusion n. 1 Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdelavani s.r.o
Labour inclusion n.2 Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdelavani s.r.o.
Social inclusion Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdelavani s.r.o.
Experiences of social and working inclusion in Lattvia, by Latvian Society of the Blind:
Labour inclusion Anpvi Onlus
Labour inclusion n. 1 Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdelavani s.r.o
Labour inclusion n.2 Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdelavani s.r.o.
Social inclusion Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdelavani s.r.o.
Experiences of social and working inclusion in Lattvia, by Latvian Society of the Blind:
martedì 8 aprile 2014
Second meeting - Warsaw
Warsaw, 2014, 10-13 April
Meeting Agenda
The learning process of blind and visually impaired people in non-formal and informal context
Experiences of Adult Education in Europe for blind or visually impaired people
LLP Grundtvig partnership project
Thursday 10.04.2014
Arrival of Participants
18:00 Welcome meeting at the Okopowa Center
Introduction of the participants
20:00 Dinner
Friday 11.04.2014
10:00 Informal and non-formal education for blind or visually impaired people
(discussion, national contexts, experiences)
Education of trainers and educators working with blind or visually impaired people
(discussion, national contexts, experiences)
Anti-discrimination actions in education for blind or visually impaired people
(discussion, national contexts, experiences)
14:00 Lunch
16:00 Visit to the Polish Association of Blind or visually impaired people
18:00 Warsaw sightseeing
20:30 Dinner in the city
Sobota 12.04.2014
9:30 – 11:30 Workshop to choose (each person can take part in one workshop only):
1) Audiodescription - important tool in education for blind or visually impaired
2) Teaching materials for blind or visually impaired people – workshop dedicated to
specialists working with blind or visually impaired people
3) How to prepare to conduct workshops to blind or visually impaired people
12:00 Summary of the workshops
13:00 Lunch
14:30-16:30 Visit to ZACHĘTA National Gallery of Art: education in culture field
17:00 Meeting for coordinators from partners organizations and free time for other
DINNER – if you’d like to have dinner in Okopowa Center please let me know.
Meeting Agenda
The learning process of blind and visually impaired people in non-formal and informal context
Experiences of Adult Education in Europe for blind or visually impaired people
LLP Grundtvig partnership project
Thursday 10.04.2014
Arrival of Participants
18:00 Welcome meeting at the Okopowa Center
Introduction of the participants
20:00 Dinner
Friday 11.04.2014
10:00 Informal and non-formal education for blind or visually impaired people
(discussion, national contexts, experiences)
Education of trainers and educators working with blind or visually impaired people
(discussion, national contexts, experiences)
Anti-discrimination actions in education for blind or visually impaired people
(discussion, national contexts, experiences)
14:00 Lunch
16:00 Visit to the Polish Association of Blind or visually impaired people
18:00 Warsaw sightseeing
20:30 Dinner in the city
Sobota 12.04.2014
9:30 – 11:30 Workshop to choose (each person can take part in one workshop only):
1) Audiodescription - important tool in education for blind or visually impaired
2) Teaching materials for blind or visually impaired people – workshop dedicated to
specialists working with blind or visually impaired people
3) How to prepare to conduct workshops to blind or visually impaired people
12:00 Summary of the workshops
13:00 Lunch
14:30-16:30 Visit to ZACHĘTA National Gallery of Art: education in culture field
17:00 Meeting for coordinators from partners organizations and free time for other
DINNER – if you’d like to have dinner in Okopowa Center please let me know.
giovedì 3 aprile 2014
giovedì 20 marzo 2014
Czech Republic

Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdelavani, s.r.o. (Centre for Visualisation and Interactivity in Education) delas with creation, realisation and coordination of educational projects supported by the EU using elements of AV creation, creation of multimedia educational products for handicapped and senior, and multimedia programming. The applicant has proved its competence to solve the proposed project, among others by succesfull solution of EQUAL project Lifelong Learning of Aurally Handocapped in 2005 - 2008, which belongs to one of the most succesfull in the Czech Repubblic.
In the last 10 years, CVIV has been a coordinator and partner of pilot educational EU projects funded from programmes Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates-Grundtvig, international Vysegrad Fund, Transnational Projects-Pilot projects on actions to mainstream disability policies, The Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme, The Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme primarily oriented on the issue of education of disables and seniors. CVIV's competence to solve interactive educational processes and products with a high level of ICT exploitation has been proved in all these projects. Its competence is also proved, among others, by implementing selected validated products of the solved project EQUAL into the European database of good experience EQUAL EU and numerous other recognitions both at regional and national level. CVIV was awarded by GRUNDTIVIG programme the Seal of the Quality for 2010.
Transformando is a non-profit social cooperative founded in 1998. We strive to enable socially-excluded individuals to successfully integrate society and the workplace. We provide and promote the use of tools required to set up businesses that will generate incomes, encourage self-employment, increasepeoples's concern and participation in their surrounding environments through associations. We also support third sector entities by helping them to better manage thier organizations at an internal level as well as the completion of intervention project in Spain and impoverished countries. TF counts with a large experience in training and advising people at risk of exclusion in their process of business creation. Most of our beneficiaries have been migrants. The relevant experience for this partership is the one coming from the areas of work: Micro-companies and social economy entities, Microfinance and financial education and Consultancy and trainig services offered to non-profit entities. In the area of micro-companies, we design and provide complete self-employment progrmas aimed at groups of population suffering from exclusion at a social and work level. These include contents, modules and a methodology specifically designed to adapt to the needs of these individuals. We do training, mentoring and train trainers. In 2007, we were awarded a secnd proze by the Ministry of Education and Science for the quality of our "Lacer" project focusing on methods of training and counsaltancy services adapted to immigrants provided to promote the creation of businesses within the Leonardo Da Vinci program (2003-2006). In 2008 we develop a method for teaching transversally entrepreneurship in secondary schools of the Braque cuontry (Region of North of Spain). In 2008-2009 we create a business launcher a platform to give support to migrants willing to create their business. The launcher has been recognizedas a good practice in various European pubblications. In the area of Microfinance and financial education: we enable unprivileged groups of population to access souerces of funding and also teach them to use money available appropriately when making decisions related to low-scale matters. We participated in the ABACO project ("Adult Basic Accountng and Control of Overindebtedness"):
The most important area activity is training new trainers joined with NGO sector and developing qualifications of the professional ones. STOP Trainers' School is an answer to a strong need expressed by numerous activists of non-governmental organisations to create polish training called "Training for Trainers". It is addressed to persons, whi work in third sector and plan to actively engage in the training work for NGOs. We also organize such school for the different branches, for example Family Mediations School of Trainers and courses for trainers for representatives of NGO's: The Networ of Information and Support for Non-Governmental Organizations SPLOT or employees of Labour - Market Institutions. We're taking part in Library Development Program - Trining of Trainers for Librarians, Idea of such project: supporting librarians in development of educational skills, wich empowers local communities, specially from rural areas (community education, library as community and educational center) and librarians as professionals - they cam share knowledge and experience within "library environment" - they are real experts in many or their professional fields, they need methodological support.
Latvian Society of the Blind (hereafter, LSB) is the non gouvernmental, non profit making organization, founded in 1926. It is the only organization to represent the interests of blind and partially sighted people in Latvia. In addition to regional Societies of the Blind in Liepaja and Tukums, the LSB consists of 12 regional representations, which are further divided in local units. Its work is directed by an Executive Board of 9 elected members, who are accountable to General Assembly, held every five years. All 3500 LSB members are people with visual impairment. The main objective of the LSB is to protect and promote the interests of all blind and partially sighted people. The maim activities are:
- To engge, partecipate and impact the legislation drafting and policy-making processes concerning various interests of blind and partially sighted people at national level;
- To provide services of social rehabilitation, adult education service and occupational training, delegated by the state as a foreseen by decree "On Social Services and Assistance";
- To publish and distribute monthly the only existing newspaper "Rosme" for blind and partially sighted people in Latvia;
- To contribute, organize and partecipate in various social activities such as youth and adult summer camps, national "White Cane Day", adult theater and folk dance groups, folk choirs etc
- To cooperate and coordinate with other international, regional and national non-governmental organizations;
- To raise awareness and promote charity activities among the general public.
Anpvi Onlus carriers out many activities of protecion, representation and social promotion in favor of free vision and visually impaired people in the area of care, placament in employment, educaton and trining, autonomy and mobility, art anche culture, as well as the prevention of blindness and visual recovery.
The association has established among its various centers and services:
- office of social secretariat;
- Autonomy and mobility center with an adjoining school guide dogs for the blind;
- Service book that provides speech texts to shareholders recorded in audio and in braille;
- Provision of technical aids to blind and visually impaired;
- Artistic center "NACSO Project"
- Our press "Il Ponte" with the news on the world of the blind.
Anpvi Onlus - presentation
FACEBOOK Presidenza Nazionale ANPVI ONLUS
mercoledì 19 marzo 2014
First meeting - Rome
Experiences of Adult Education in Europe for blind
or visually impaired people
Rome 2013, November, 28th - December 1st
LLP Grundtvig partnership project.
LLP Grundtvig partnership project.
off meeting, Rome
2013, 28th
h. 19,30 - Welcome
aperitif, meeting at the Hotel Antonella.
Commune dinner.
2013, 29th
h. 9,00 – 13,00 - First session of the meeting. Venue:
Hotel Antonella.
Ice breakers.
Introduction of the
Project objectives and
work programme.
13,00 -14,30 – Lunch
h. 15,00 – 17,30 - Visit to the Regional centre for blind people “ S. Alessio
Margherita di Savoia”.
h18,00-20,00 - Free time in Roma historical area.
h. 20,00 - Commune dinner in Roma historical area.
2013, 30th
h. 9,00 – 13,00 – Second session of the meeting. Venue:
Hotel Antonella.
Work programme.
Division of tasks.
Management tools and
Communication and
disseminations tools and procedures.
h. 13,00-14,30 – Lunch.
h. 15,00 - 18,00 – Guided visit to “Musei Capitolini”.
h. 18,00 – 20,00 – Free time in Roma historical area.
h. 20,00 – Commune dinner.
2013, 1st
Participants departure.
Objectives and strategy
Project's objectives are:
- to compare different ways to organize adult educational activities and training for blind and visually impaired people in Europe, with a particular attention to non forma activities (cultural metters learning and deepeing, useful learnings for daily life)
- to compare the different ways to improve informal learning experiences (journals and cultural experiences as well)
- to compare the different ways to value the informal and non formal skills of blind and visually impaired people in order to helo them to find a job and to be actively involved in citizenship.
Project's results will be:
- organisations and participants increased knowledge;
- creation of communicative materials, good pratices implementation on project's topics and methodologies dissemination;
- training courses for blind and visually impaired people shared among European partners;
- training courses helping the working inclusion;
- skills improvement in the use of ICT instruments;
- training courses on blindness addressed to individuals and families;
training courses and non formal activities on physical movement (space education) and cultural spaces addressed visually handicapped people.
All along the project different traslational meetings and local activities will be realized to improve partnership knowledge of the different local realities as well the deepening of the specific topics concerning blind and visually impaired people.
The transnational meetings will represent also an important opportunity for sharing methodologies and coordinating the whole project.
The project will use different participative methodologies, like cooperative learning and expressive methods, necessarily integrated to specific blind and visually impaired communicative means.
ICT tools will be used as well by partners to ensure both the internal communication and the visibility of the project.
- to compare different ways to organize adult educational activities and training for blind and visually impaired people in Europe, with a particular attention to non forma activities (cultural metters learning and deepeing, useful learnings for daily life)
- to compare the different ways to improve informal learning experiences (journals and cultural experiences as well)
- to compare the different ways to value the informal and non formal skills of blind and visually impaired people in order to helo them to find a job and to be actively involved in citizenship.
Project's results will be:
- organisations and participants increased knowledge;
- creation of communicative materials, good pratices implementation on project's topics and methodologies dissemination;
- training courses for blind and visually impaired people shared among European partners;
- training courses helping the working inclusion;
- skills improvement in the use of ICT instruments;
- training courses on blindness addressed to individuals and families;
training courses and non formal activities on physical movement (space education) and cultural spaces addressed visually handicapped people.
All along the project different traslational meetings and local activities will be realized to improve partnership knowledge of the different local realities as well the deepening of the specific topics concerning blind and visually impaired people.
The transnational meetings will represent also an important opportunity for sharing methodologies and coordinating the whole project.
The project will use different participative methodologies, like cooperative learning and expressive methods, necessarily integrated to specific blind and visually impaired communicative means.
ICT tools will be used as well by partners to ensure both the internal communication and the visibility of the project.
The project
The project intends to deepen the role of educational activities in blind and visually impaired people's life in Europe, especially in relation to non formal and informal learning opportunities, as a way to improve personal knowledge and interests and increase useful competences for every day life.
Thanks to the support of new technologies, problems concerning the accessibility are going to be reduced. But there's still a strong need of families involvement whereas oldest people are obliged to keep abreast of new tools.
Different experimentations have been conducted to permit blind people cultural interaction: audio-book, museum and city audio-guides, artworks touch tours.
Visual handicao in Europe:
Another important topic is related to the European differences on rights and economical resources accessibility, both elements of great importance for useful activities to be carried on and social inclusion to be helped.
Our project intends to:
- sensitize European peolple to blind and visually impaired people's problems;
- improve activities, strateggies and good practices in order to help thei social and working inclusion;
- look for new opportunities and ways to improve the actual situation.
Visual handicap and active citizenship:
Associations working with blind and visually impaired peolple have wide competences in the field of active citizenship that often have been achieved during their fight for rights. This is a very important fact for visually handicapped people and their own families.
This Project intends to create a network among associations working on this topic so that the different experiences could be globally shared.
Thanks to the support of new technologies, problems concerning the accessibility are going to be reduced. But there's still a strong need of families involvement whereas oldest people are obliged to keep abreast of new tools.
Different experimentations have been conducted to permit blind people cultural interaction: audio-book, museum and city audio-guides, artworks touch tours.
Visual handicao in Europe:
Another important topic is related to the European differences on rights and economical resources accessibility, both elements of great importance for useful activities to be carried on and social inclusion to be helped.
Our project intends to:
- sensitize European peolple to blind and visually impaired people's problems;
- improve activities, strateggies and good practices in order to help thei social and working inclusion;
- look for new opportunities and ways to improve the actual situation.
Visual handicap and active citizenship:
Associations working with blind and visually impaired peolple have wide competences in the field of active citizenship that often have been achieved during their fight for rights. This is a very important fact for visually handicapped people and their own families.
This Project intends to create a network among associations working on this topic so that the different experiences could be globally shared.
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